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Josh Haberman

Hello, my name is Joshua, Shua for short. I just graduated from the University of Minnesota Summa cum Laude with a degree in Philosophy and a minor in Chemistry. This fall I will continue pursuing an equivalency in accounting in order to qualify for the CPA exam.

Besides being a student I try to get myself involved in as many other activities as possible. I have ridden and trained with the University of Minnesota Cycling Team. I have developed racquetball leagues and taught racquetball classes at the U while pursuing amateur competition. I also enjoy philosophical discussions and have been a member of the "Clear and Distinct" Philosophy Club as well as a Discussion Group I founded at Middlebrook Hall and the Minnesota Honors Housing Association. While at Middlebrook Hall I also served as a Community Advisor and Summer Assistant.

In my free time I enjoy exploring the outdoors, reading, discussing business trends and satisfying my voracious appetite (biking will do that to you). I also work with a recently created non-profit to develop and implement ways to give back to our community. You can e-mail me at habe0018@umn.edu.

Bill Oyler

I'm Bill and I'm also a graduate of the University of Minnesota. I earned a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Sociology, both of which provided excellent topics of discussion during our cross-country bike ride (for example, think about the social implications of our increasing dependence on computers and artificial intelligence). I had been thinking about organizing a cross-country bike ride since my early years of cycling, which began sometime during high school. It was exciting to see this trip finally materialize. I enjoy cycling both recreationally and also competitively. Recreationally, I planned and completed numerous solo bike trips in dozens of U.S. states and several countries. Competitively, I was an active member of the University of Minnesota Cycling Team for four years, serving as an officer for three of those years. The team grew from about six members in 1999 to over 25 members in 2003. 2003 was an important year for the team, as it became Conference Champions in the North Central Collegiate conference, which consists of 10 colleges and universities. The team worked very hard and as a result qualified for Nationals.

In my spare time, I like to bike, run, and spend time with my wife. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at bill@oylertechnology.com.

Lee Tuchfarber

My name is Lee Irwin Tuchfarber. I was born in Washington D.C., and grew up primarily in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I graduated from Hopkins High School where I played ice hockey and pole-vaulted. I began my college career at Kansas University, where I studied psychology and worked as a mentor for children with mental disorders. Later, I transferred to the University of Minnesota to study Philosophy. Presently, I hold a dual residency at the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and the University of St. Thomas School of Business. I will graduate from the University of Minnesota in the summer of 2003 with a B.A. in Philosophy. My post-graduation plans include starting a business and investing in real estate.

I do not have a primary field of interest in philosophy. I enjoy discussing the problems presented in any area of philosophy, whether be it John Searle's attack on the AI thesis or the local Pasteur's personal view on the intersection between Christianity and Buddhism. Perhaps interestingly, I also have a particular taste for reading works authored by my own college professors. In the field of business, I am intrigued by the concepts of leverage, compounding interest, and time as a limited resource. I am inclined to apply these concepts to real estate as I see real estate as a superior investment vehicle. I believe that maintaining a socially conscious attitude is integral to both living an ethical life and running an ethical business.

I served as the founding officer of the "Clear and Distinct" Philosophy Society at the University of Minnesota from 2001 to 2002, and I am currently the member of an independent philosophy club at the University of Minnesota. I am also a member of the Entrepreneurship Club at the University of Minnesota, and a member of the Real Estate Society at the University of St. Thomas. In addition, I am co-chairing the "Cross for the Cure" benefit ride for cancer. I wrote my senior thesis on the Artificial Intelligence program in connection with John Searle's "Chinese Room Experiment". I enjoy socializing, playing guitar, reading humor, cycling and playing tennis; I am severely incompetent on the golf course.

If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to e-mail me at tuch0019@umn.edu.